Trust Benefits

Trust Benefits

Revocable Living Trusts and the Probate, Estates, Wills, and Trusts Lawyer Resources for the general public and Attorneys in DC and Maryland, and the Legal Practice of Attorney George Teitelbaum, located in Washington DC and MD.

Living Trust & Estate Planning Folder And Coins — Washington, DC — Law Offices of George A. Teitelbaum

Benefits of the Revocable Living Trust

Think of the Revocable Living Trust (RLT) as a separate legal entity, like a corporation. You transfer title of assets into the trust, like funding a corporation. While you are alive, you control all the assets in the trust, just like you would if you owned all the shares of a corporation. When you die, your trustee, someone you choose and trust, manages the trust for the benefit of your children and other beneficiaries. Your children receive the money only when you direct, so you avoid the problems associated with giving immature children large sums of money outright. People who have chosen to prepare an RLT and who have taken the time to put essentially everything they own into it will greatly relieve themselves and their loved ones of the problems of probate and asset guardianship. The Law Offices of George Teitelbaum, licensed both in DC and MD, can assist. To go to his main web site, which has lots of additional helpful information about estate planning.

Compared To Probate, Your RLT:

  • Greatly reduces the COSTS of settling your affairs after death. An RLT avoids probate costs, which range from 5% to 8% of the probate estate (more if there is a Will contest);
  • Greatly reduces the time consumed in settling your affairs. It typically takes 6 months to 2 years to complete the "probate" administration, and a will contest can take over a decade. Your RLT can be settled in a matter of days;
  • Keeps your private information private. With probate, your Will and all of the related inventories and accountings are made public by recording them at the local courthouse. Not so an RLT, which is not a matter of public record;
  • Avoids a separate "ancillary" probate for out-of-state land. A separate probate is otherwise necessary in the county where the land is located, requiring out-of-state attorneys and court proceedings, increasing the cost to your heirs, and usually adding to the delay;
  • Eliminates post-probate court control. The Trustee of a trust under a Will must file accountings and motions with the court, whereas the Trustee of your RLT acts independently;

  • Improves or preserves estate liquidity (cash availability) after death. Less money is needed to pay for final settlements and cash is more readily available to the family members;
  • Allows for smoother transition in business management. The Successor Trustee can easily step into the shoes of the business owner without court entanglement;
  • Is less open to attack from a disgruntled heir. The RLT, unlike a Will, is not recorded with the court, and only proper beneficiaries need be notified. Heirs who would like to better their position at the expense of your loved ones never need know of your estate plans;
  • Eliminates the need for custodianship of yourminor child s inheritance. Under Maryland law, your minor child cannot receive any amount over $10,000 without the appointment of a court-administered fiduciary or custodian. Your RLT will eliminate this requirement. If your minor children are beneficiaries of your estate, you will have a trust one way or another; I counsel my clients to choose the form of the trust and eliminate the judicial middle-man.
  • Greatly reduces the costs of guardianship. Incompetency proceedings are costly as lawyers are needed and evidence is admitted into court;
  • Eliminates the embarrassment to your family. Incompetency proceedings are open to the public and many times become the neighborhood gossip;
  • Avoids court interference in decision making. Your Trustee manages your assets and makes decisions without the "assistance" of a judge;
  • Allows for easy return of the trust owner after recovery. If you are disabled or otherwise unable to handle your affairs, your successor or co-Trustee can step in until you can return to the position of Trustee. This can all be accomplished without court permission.
  • Provides certainty. More and more banks, brokers, and the like are refusing to honor powers of attorney, are requiring onerous documentation before they will honor them, or are requiring great specificity before they will honor the power of attorney, to protect themselves against lawsuits. There is no law that requires anyone to honor a power of attorney. A trustee of a trust has greater power than an agent under a power of attorney because the trustee owns the asset, as opposed to managing it for another person;
  • Can eliminate the requirement that you be found incompetant before it is effective;
  • Unifies your estate plan, by providing for a single document and individual to make decisions for you;
  • Eliminates liability to the creditors of your co-owner. Most people do not realize that, if your non-spousal co-owner (usually a son or daughter) has financial trouble, the joint assets (ALL of them, not half) are subject to the claims of your co-owner 's creditors. This can occur through bankruptcy, divorce, or judgment (auto accident, for example);
  • Eliminates exposure to the bad faith of a co-owner. "He/she would never do that to me" is, all too often, wishful thinking. I have handled cases where children have stolen their parents very homes;
  • Simplifies your life. If you hold real property or titled personal property (stocks, etc.) jointly, you could be required to get the signature of your co-owner before you can transfer or sell the asset.

The educational information provided here is only general in nature and is not intended as a legal opinion. For specific advice or assistance, please contact a legal professional.

For those that need further legal assistance, The Probate, Will and Trust Lawyer Resource Center provides an introduction into the District of Columbia and Maryland law practice of Attorney George Teitelbaum, licensed both in DC and MD. Check out George Teitelbaum's Legal Experience and Background, as well as office locations and other contact information.

We offer a wide variety of estate and elder law services for clients throughout the District of Columbia and Maryland. Attorney George Teitelbaum also assists clients located out of state that may have legal issues in the District of Columbia.

As Compared to Joint Ownership, your RLT:

As Compared to Joint Ownership, your RLT:

As Compared to Court-Ordered Guardianship, your RLT:

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